Monday, December 21, 2009

Welcome to the Returning Sun

Happy Hanukah, Blessed Solstice, Merry Christmas, a Bright Kwanzaa,
to Winter and Returning Sun

The cycle turns and we head into Winter in a very big way here in Maine.
Dawn begins to break after the longest night, the snow plows quiet, the snow for the moment has stopped - too cold even for it. 0 degrees!
The beginning of the cycle always finds me sitting with the night as I wait for the morning to come.
To wake the Winter.

Yes, I am a winter Baby, born in the coldest month of the season.
I wish to gift you with Love, full of Magic.
The Magic of this Season we call Winter.
The time of the Ancestor's -we stand in the North.
The whole Universe takes part in this Dance!

I wish for you Love and Compassion covering you as the Snow blankets Mother Earth, insulating her from the cold.

The brightness of Diamonds sparkling at every turn, may they remind you to be Gracious and Kind.

I wish for you Joy, bring out the child and
Delight as though each day were big flakes of snow gently falling on your out stretched tongue.

I wish for you Laughter that fills your belly,
and brings tears to your eyes.

I wish for you the Comfort of Friends, like a warm Winter fire and cups of Hot Coca.

I wish for you a Happiness, enough to share with the people you meet on the street, that you don't know.
A Smile to warm them and you.

May you find a Gentleness in the Quiet and Magic of this Season.

May you find it in your Heart and Body to Dance and make Merry!
For the whole of the Universe does indeed Dance with Us.

Bright Blessings to you and your Kin, however you may
Celebrate this Season!

I invite you to find Warmth in your Heat to chase the Cold Winter outside.

May you have Safety in your travels, as though you were snuggled in with Mother Bear for a long Winter nap.

Know that you are made of Stardust, your Essence shining like a Beacon to guide you on your way.

May the Divine Bless and keep you in it's Eye and Heart.

Happy Hanukah, Blessed Solstice, Merry Christmas, a Bright Kwanzaa,
to Winter and Returning Sun

22.12. 08

Snow Angel made in the wee hours of the morning after our first snow '09

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